


 Mars 25

The ubiquitous sound of croaking magpies and the ever present waxwings combined with the whispering breeze of an imminent spring reveal the continuing life and activities outside my window pane. The sight of a beautiful and sweet great tit on the ledge distracted my mind while I was taking my morning coffee. I walked in a state of semi-hypnotic trance alongside the wood, aiming to reach the supermarket, Willy´s outside the town before every other people.  The rush of various thoughts, reminiscences of the time passed reminded of the existing dichotomy between  the peaceeful sight of the nature and my restless soul. Many years have passed, that notwithstanding, I still cann´t get the thought of the demise of my father off my mind. This long walk gave me the opportunity to ponder about and mull diferent circumstances, that I am surrounded by, this time of the year. I felt at ease with myself, while walking, making a preliminary plan for my next travel. The appearing new circumstances  have created a necessity to change my previous plan to travel to Japan this year. Probably, this year will be a travel to Chile instead.   I reached the supermarket at an anticipated time, after an hour and fifteen minutes, and purchased a swiss roll and ate it on the way back. I hastened my steps to come home as soon as possible as my sister might call.




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